The Cast Iron House in Tribeca was reimagined by innovative Japanese architect Shigeru Ban. With this minimalist canvas as a starting point, our client desired a distinctive look for their home. Refined living that takes into consideration social inclinations translated to an apartment that sets the stage for intimate and luxury entertaining.

Godbold’s fascination with science fiction decor and Art Deco combined to create the cool office and bar room—specifically, the wall panel designs. The furniture is almost all custom, including the living room’s stone sectional and coffee table. Closets separating rooms were removed; an open bookcase now stands in their place.

Texture is introduced through the use of open porous travertines, as well as custom rugs that outline the furniture locations. Most of the fabrics are bouclé, while the walls have been plastered with a fine stucco. No detail was overlooked: The staircase walls’ tiles boast a limestone texture. As you step off the custom wood-paneled elevator from the busy streets below, the residence’s monochromatic color palette instantly brings a sense of calm.

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